Langues de Chat
The cookie is a slightly sweet baked treat for adult tastes. Langues de Chat (cat’s tongue) is a thin, baked cookie filled with cream mixed with highly aromatic rum raisin.
The crisp, light texture of the cookie and the soft filling of the baked treat heighten relaxing moments.
The casual illustration series is based on the theme, “A Walk in Paris.” The cat motif comes from the name, “cat’s tongue.” The illustrations depict two biscuit-patterned cats impatiently waiting for Langues de Chat. One cat is Creme, who prefers the plain flavor, and the other is Chocolat, who prefers chocolate flavor.
A harmonious confection is born from the modest sweetness of the thin dough and the sweetness and aroma of the cream and rum raisin. You’ll also enjoy the crispy texture of the cookie.